Wednesday, August 24, 2022


It's been more than a year since the last time I posted on this blog. 

Sorry about that. In that time, a lot of not-so-great things have happened. Outside of rideshare, my dog Lou died in January, which I'm still not entirely over. You can read about that on my main blog. With regard to rideshare, though - earnings have gone down and bored teenagers have learned how to hotwire Kias and Hyundais from YouTube and TikTok. 

I own a 2017 Kia Soul. I didn't think anyone would want it. I thought wrong:

The would-be thieves didn't actually get away with my car. They did, however, do plenty of damage to the rear passenger window, the steering column, and the ignition. They also stole the game tablet I had mounted on the passenger seat. 

I know I'm far from alone in this - literally thousands of Kia and Hyundai owners in the area - likely tens or even hundreds of thousands across the country - are dealing with the same issue right now. I've been driving a rental car for the last couple of weeks and probably won't get my own car back from the shop for another week and a half - and that's with a relatively fast shop. This happened on August 10th and some shops were saying they couldn't get to it until November. 

If you've been the victim of any sort of crime, you know how vulnerable it leaves you feeling. It sucks. It really, really sucks. That's all I'll say.

It has given me time to work on my new rideshare playlist, though. Spotify Premium is worth every penny!