Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 October 7, 2020

12:49 a.m.

Greg of Kirkwood, you and your wife/girlfriend are no longer welcome in my car.

Who is Greg from Kirkwood? He's the guy who requested an Uber ride from Creve Coeur to his house in Kirkwood for himself and his female companion tonight at 11:47 p.m. I kicked them out of my car in the parking lot of the Walgreens in Kirkwood about 15 minutes later.

Actually, Greg was pretty chill. It was the lady who was the problem. It was the lady who caused me to choose a drop-off location with a Kirkwood police car sitting in front of it in case she got rowdy. Greg got out, no questions asked, as if this had happened before.

You see, I asked them to wear masks and the wife/girlfriend complained about it the entire time... except when she and Greg were drunkenly making out in the back seat. If I can hear your tongues smacking, you're not wearing masks. She also insisted on being able to drink from her to-go sippy cup of booze that she brought with her, because, you know, you can't fit a straw behind a mask. You just can't.

To the lady, yes, you are correct - I also checked, and this is indeed America. However, Uber is a private company with rules - one of which is that all drivers and passengers must wear masks at all times. Now, I can't control what rules other drivers follow, but in my car, masks are mandatory.

I didn't kick you out because we have "different opinions" as your lady friend claimed. I kicked you out because you were being disrespectful, bordering on belligerent. And as an independent contractor of that company, and as the owner of the vehicle I was driving, I can choose to end the ride if I no longer want you in my car because you are being disrespectful. And demanding that I turn around and look at you to prove that you're wearing a mask (finally) while I'm driving down Kirkwood Road is not only disrespectful, but unsafe.

It was a 17 minute ride. You couldn't just sit down, shut up, and wear a mask for 17 minutes. Before the ride even started, I asked if wearing masks was going to be an issue, and offered to find you another ride. That was my mistake - I should have canceled right then and there.

I hope you're still waiting for a ride at Walgreens.